Dr. M. DeWayne Anderson

God Fights For Us

Isaiah was given this word of prophecy from the Sovereign Lord. It is a message about the liberty that will be given when Messiah comes. Jesus had been baptized by John in the Jordan River and was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. After defeating the devil in every temptation, He returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit. News about Him spread as He went through Galilee teaching in their synagogues. Most synagogue services had a time of reading from the Law or one of the Prophets. As was His custom, Jesus entered the synagogue in Nazareth, stood to read, took the scroll and opened the book to this text. He stopped reading just before the words of our text.

Isaiah 61:1-2 NKJV “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Because the Lord has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, And the day of vengeance of our God…”

It is important for everyone to hear the prophecy about the Messiah.

Christ came to proclaim the message of the good news. This message of the Gospel refers to every area of need for our lives. Jesus came to comfort the brokenhearted, release captives, free prisoners, and announce the day of God’s favor.

We love to hear that message of God’s grace and mercy that is coming down to us through Christ. He also came to take vengeance against God’s enemies. That word “vengeance” refers to God’s retribution and anger against His enemies. It is noteworthy that God offers grace, mercy and favor to all who will receive it, but God will take vengeance to His enemies.

In anger, God will take vengeance on His enemies.

Throughout the history of man, God has shown Himself to be the Mighty One Who saves and delivers.

God’s people have learned to depend on His strength and help in the times of trouble. He is the Lord of Hosts and mighty to save. He saves from the power of the destroyer. He saves from the enemy that encamps around God’s people. Almighty God delivers His people from enemies that are too great for God’s people to conquer. He saves from the devouring plague and enemy. He takes vengeance on those who attempt to destroy God’s people. When God comes to our aid, He gives rest to His people.

1 Chronicles 22:17-19 NKJV David also commanded all the leaders of Israel to help Solomon his son, saying, “Is not the Lord your God with you? And has He not given you rest on every side? For He has given the inhabitants of the land into my hand, and the land is subdued before the Lord and before His people. Now set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord your God.”

David was reminding God’s people that the Lord God Almighty fights for them.

Psalm 118:6 NKJV The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?

Psalm 62:8 NKJV Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Selah

We need to know that God will fight for us.

God is a refuge and strength to His people. You do not have to fear when the strong enemies come against you. The Lord of Hosts is present to help you. 

Hebrews 6:18 tells us, ‘God has not lied, we have this strong consolation and encouragement that we can run to the Lord for refuge and hope.’

Psalm 124:1-5 NIV84 If the Lord had not been on our side— let Israel say— if the Lord had not been on our side when men attacked us, when their anger flared against us, they would have swallowed us alive; the flood would have engulfed us, the torrent would have swept over us, the raging waters would have swept us away.

Psalm 124:8 NKJV Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.

This strong message reverberates throughout the Old Testament.

God wants His people to know that He is a very present help in their times of trouble. The Lord of Hosts wants you to know that He is ready to fight for you. He is your defense and strong tower in times of trouble. He will take vengeance on the enemy of your body and soul.

The Lord gave this powerful word to His people before they faced their enemies in the land.

Deuteronomy 11:25 NKJV No man shall be able to stand against you; the Lord your God will put the dread of you and the fear of you upon all the land where you tread, just as He has said to you.

God will fight for us.

Elisha knew what this was like.

He told his servant, “fear not, for those who are with us are more than those who are against us,” (2 Kings 6:16).

Romans 8:31 NKJV What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

God wants His people to have this strong assurance that all of their battles and enemies will be met with the irresistible power of the Spirit of God.

Isaiah 59:19 AMP So [as the result of the Messiah’s intervention] they shall [reverently] fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him and put him to flight [for He will come like a rushing stream which the breath of the Lord drives].

When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.

We need to know that God will fight for us.

  • The Lord of Host is coming to your aid.

Thousands upon thousands and tens of thousands of angels respond to His command.

  • He is Our Redeemer.

Satan’s power and sin’s dominion are broken.

  • He is the Healer of our bodies.

The greatest power of sickness has been defeated and by His stripes you are healed. You don’t fight these battles alone.

  • He is the Almighty God.
  • He is the Great I AM.
  • He is mighty to save, heal and deliver.
  • He will save you from destruction.
  • He is ready to fight for you.

We need to see the vision that Isaiah prophesied.

The Lord of Hosts is coming to your aid like a rushing stream driven on by the wind of God. With the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ is coming to fight for you.

Whenever the enemy comes in, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up this Standard.

  • The Standard is the name of the Lord.
  • The Standard is the blood of Jesus Christ.
  • The Standard is the power of Christ to save, deliver, and keep.
  • The Standard comes to your aid with the full power of the Holy Spirit.

Get this image of His power to save in your mind and spirit.

The Lord God Almighty will fight for you.

  • Don’t magnify the enemy when he comes against you.

He is defeated.

  • Magnify the Lord.

He is coming to your aid. He will drive back the strongest forces of hell. None of the gates of hell shall be able to stand against you. He will come to fight your greatest battles.

  • In Jesus’ name command the enemy to flee.
  • By the power of the blood of Jesus stand firm in victory.
  • Through the power of the Spirit arise to new victory.

Psalm 24:7-10 NKJV Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah

The Captain of all of the angelic armies is the Lord of Hosts.

Jesus is His name.

I have come to tell you that the Lord of Hosts is coming to fight for you. The enemy that has come to destroy you is going to be destroyed. The day of the vengeance of our God and the acceptable year of the Lord has come. Every stronghold of darkness will be broken down. Lift up your heads and rejoice for the King of glory is coming with victory. Your battle is going to be won.