Dr. M. DeWayne Anderson

When the Enemy Comes In… God’s help in various trials

When the Enemy Comes In… God’s help in various trials

You need to keep this in the forefront of your thoughts, you can count on God’s help in various trials. He has promised to be a present help in the time of our need. Often when the adversary attacks, he attempts to distract us from the fact that God is going to be present and help us.

Isaiah 59:19 So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him. 

James 1:2 NKJV When you fall into various trials.

We know that the enemy of our soul is bearing down on us with as much strength as he can muster. He wants to wreak havoc and destruction in our lives.

God is not content to stand by and watch the enemy of your soul steal, kill and destroy. God promised to rush in, stop Satan, and put him to flight. God’s overwhelming plan for victory is granted to believers through the power of the resurrected Christ. God is going to take vengeance on the enemy of our souls. When you read the end of the Bible, Satan and his kingdom of darkness will be totally destroyed. Now, God calls believers to arise in the power of the blood of Christ and take a strong offensive position against the gates of hell.

Galatians 5:1 NKJV Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

God expects us to stand fast in the liberty and freedom that Jesus Christ attained by His vicarious suffering and death, and victorious resurrection. Christ did not go to the cross and conquer hell, death, and the grave in vain. He does not hold the keys of hell and death just as trophies. Although Jesus Christ has gained this liberty and victory for us all, the enemy is still on a rampage to attempt to bring us back into bondage.

1 Peter 5:8 NLT Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

These kinds of warnings are given so that we can develop a strong defense in the Lord Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. As a roaring lion, the adversary is seeking to kill, steal, and destroy. This is not the only threat of the enemy’s attack. Often Satan entices us with the things we desire or crave. This has been a method of his attack from the beginning. Adam and Eve were destroyed in this manner. Our personal desires and cravings can become so strong that we can hardly stand it. 

Where do temptations come from?

James 1:14-15 NKJV But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. 

Temptations are strong desires and cravings that anyone can have. The Gospel tells us Jesus was tempted of the devil for forty days, (Matthew 4:1; Luke 4:2). Hebrews 5:15 tells us, He was “tempted in all ways as we are, yet without sin.” Remember what happened to Adam and Eve. Everything was going great until a desire and craving was stimulated to disobey God. The stimulation came from Satan, who enticed them to sin. He did not come in like a roaring lion. Satan’s stimulation was presented in such a way that the man and woman were disarmed. He came in with half-truths and lies. He came with deception and appeal to their desire and appetite. What appeared to be a noble desire to be more like God, resulted in disobeying God’s command. Temptation is the desire and craving to do things that God forbids. It craves things that are harmful to our body and spirit.

These cravings can be justified in our mind. “If it feels good, tastes good, or makes me look better, how can it be bad?” The appeal of temptation is within our own desire and craving. If it is not appealing, it will not be a temptation.

When the enemy comes in, God will lift up a standard against him.

Isaiah 59:19 So shall they fear The name of the Lord from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. 

Instead of placing the emphasis on the evil that is coming, place your emphasis on God’s aid and the standard that the Spirit of the LORD will lift up. Most translations of the Bible tell us God is coming to help.

  • NASB95 —  “For He will come like a rushing stream which the wind of the Lord drives.”
  • NIV — “For He will come like a raging flood tide driven by the breath of the Lord.”

God is telling us what He is going to do when the enemy comes against us. When the enemy comes in to attack our lives, God will come like a raging flood to lift up a standard against him. See God coming in and chasing the enemy away with a raging flood of the Spirit’s power.

Take a look at the text before this verse.

Isaiah 59:15-18 When the Lord looks down, He is grieved that there is not justice. He marvels that there is no man (intercessor or mediator) capable of handling the situation, so He steps in and does it Himself. His own arm (strength) brings Him victory and His own righteousness upholds Him. He puts on armor and moves out against His foes in righteousness, salvation, vengeance, zeal, and fury. He dispenses judgment to His adversaries and punishes His enemies. 

Think about this! God has the strength to bring the victory. He has the righteousness to hold you up. He is clothed with armor and is moving against your foes in righteousness, salvation, vengeance, zeal and fury.

Isaiah 59:19 At last, all the people from east to west are forced to acknowledge that He is Lord, for He (the Messiah) comes in like a flood, driven by the breath of Jehovah.

When the enemy comes against you, the Spirit of the Lord is going to lift up the Standard Jesus Christ.

God is lifting up a testimony of His salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. The Spirit of the Lord is going to give you a new and powerful revelation of Christ. He will not only tell you Who Jesus is, the Holy Spirit is going to make Christ’s victory, power and life real in your life. This flood of the Spirit will be driven by the breath of God. Listen to this word that is inspired by the Holy Spirit.

1 John 4:4 NKJV You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

Grab hold of this truth and don’t let go. God has a claim on your life. Through the Lord Jesus Christ, you are going to overcome. You are going to beat this attack. You are going to become exactly what God has planned. He is making you the righteousness of God in Christ. He is giving you His strength, power and victory so that you can stand strong against the schemes of the devil. He is coming to your aid with all of His strength and might.

Just as God has moved out in armor against His foes, God has provided the whole armor of God for you. He wants you to stand against the adversary’s schemes in truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation and the word of God.

  • Clothe yourself in some truth — Jesus Christ has conquered and has the keys of death and hell. His victory is our victory.
  • Clothe yourself with some righteousness — Jesus’ sacrifice and blood has cleansed you and you are clean.
  • Clothe yourself with some peace — shut out the voices of disturbance and unrest and take on His peace. Take His peace like a piece of clothing and put it on.
  • Clothe yourself in faith — in Christ, you are more than conquerer; you are not going under, you can believe this.
  • Clothe yourself in salvation — you know that ultimate victory is yours in Christ. “If God is for us, who can be against us.”
  • Take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God — Arm yourself with the word of faith and truth. Satan’s lies cannot become your truth. You have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Once you have taken the whole armor of God, you need to be watchful and persevere. Your armor and action is going to be radiant with the energy, power, and anointing of the Holy Spirit. Even the word of your confession will be powerful against the enemy’s schemes. You need to start speaking against the chains of darkness that try to bind you. Start declaring you are more than a conquerer through Christ. Open your mouth and rejoice in the victory that is yours.