Dr. M. DeWayne Anderson

When you need help… God hears the destitute.

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Many of us go through times when only God can help. We face those situations at various times and stages of life. Before you panic or give up, you need to know: When you need help… God hears the destitute.

Psalm 107:9 NKJV For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness. 

Psalm 102:17–20 NKJV He shall regard the prayer of the destitute, and shall not despise their prayer. This will be written for the generation to come, that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord.  For He looked down from the height of His sanctuary; from heaven the Lord viewed the earth, To hear the groaning of the prisoner, to release those appointed to death.

In the Book of Acts, Philip was having great success in the main city of Samaria.

As he began proclaiming Christ, many miraculous signs began happening. Unclean spirits came out of many who were possessed and many people were healed. Even paralyzed and lame people were healed. The whole city was filled with great joy.

Acts 8:26-36 NET Then an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Get up and go south on the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” (This is a desert road.) So he got up and went. There he met an Ethiopian eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasury. He had come to Jerusalem to worship, 28and was returning home, sitting in his chariot, reading the prophet Isaiah. 29Then the Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and join this chariot.” So Philip ran up to it and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. He asked him, “Do you understand what you’re reading?” 31The man replied, “How in the world can I, unless someone guides me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. 32Now the passage of scripture the man was reading was this: “He was led like a sheep to slaughter, and like a lamb before its shearer is silent, so he did not open his mouth. 33In humiliation justice was taken from him. Who can describe his posterity? For his life was taken away from the earth.” 34Then the eunuch said to Philip, “Please tell me, who is the prophet saying this about—himself or someone else?” 35So Philip started speaking, and beginning with this scripture proclaimed the good news about Jesus to him. 36Now as they were going along the road, they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “Look, there is water! What is to stop me from being baptized?” 

God hears the destitute…

You need to know that God is listening.

We all need God’s help.We have many problems we cannot solve. We all fight battles and have struggles.

I believe you came to church today because you believe God is going to touch you. 

You believe God is going to speak to you and help you out of your problems. I believe God is going to hear you. We are not here just because we have a duty to go to church. We know that God has answers to our problems. We have a loving, giving and caring God.  We have a saving and delivering God that has the power to help us. He wants to give you His joy, peace, and happiness.  He has the answer to the cry of your heart. 

Many times God does supernatural things that we don’t even know He is doing.

God moves in mysterious ways. He hears your cry and your prayer. His ears are open to what you have to say. 

You need to know that God is moving and working on your behalf. 

Often it doesn’t look like God is moving. You need to know that God is doing something for you.  Be patient for He is working and has heard your cry. Keep crying out and lifting your voice to God.

Jeremiah 33:3 ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

God has the answer that you are needing and it is on the way.

Look at the scriptures that I read. They talk about the destitute and people who are groaning. They refer to the prisoner that was bound. They speak of a longing soul who has great desires.

God hears the destitute…

The word “destitute” means broken, barren, demolished, empty, and stripped.

That is what the devil wants to do to you. 

He wants to strip and steal everything he can from you. He goes about seeking whom he may devour. He wants to devour your health, joy and peace. He wants to make you destitute. Millions of people in the world today are destitute. They have nothing left.

When they cry out to God, He hears their prayer.

God is waiting for you to cry out to Him for help.

Psalm 102:19–20 NKJV For He looked down from the height of His sanctuary; from heaven the Lord viewed the earth, To hear the groaning of the prisoner, to release those appointed to death. 

God hears your groaning or sighing.

Multitudes of people are crying out in trouble. It is hard to even imagine how many millions of hurting people there are in the world.

I want to let you know that God is working.

Keep faith in God, He is on the move for you. God hears the destitute.

This scripture talks about “the prisoners that are bound.” 

There are many kinds of prisons. Many prison doors are not physical. Some people are bound by addictions to drugs and alcohol. They are bound by an out of control temper. They are bound in a prison of despair and hopelessness. They are bound in a prison of their own making.

God hears the cry of the destitute. God hears the cry of those who are prisoners. 

God wants to set you free.

Many times when we are going through things, it feels like God is not working. We can’t feel or see anything happening. The finances have not come in or the pain is still there. It feels like God is not moving. 

God’s Word is true, He hears the cry of the destitute. God has heard you.

Psalm 107:9 NKJV For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness. 

The longing soul…

Think of the longings and the desires that you have. The longing soul is not satisfied. Many people are longing for forgiveness. They have a prolonged unfulfilled desire to be clean from guilt, sin, and disobedience. They want to know how to be clean before God and have peace in their heart. They are longing to be free from pain. 

The Bible says, “God satisfies the longing soul.”

God’s answer is on the way. Keep on believing your answer is on the way. God is moving in my behalf. Will you say it? God is moving in my behalf.

Many times you don’t even know that God is working.

His angels are busy doing something for you. I was thinking about this and this verse came to my mind.

Isaiah 65:24 NKJV It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear.

You may not know it, but God heard your cry. He is a loving, caring and giving God. He is a peace-giving God. He is on the move for you.

Paul Yonggi Cho pastored one of the largest churches in the world in Seoul, South Korea.

As a young man, he worshipped idols and didn’t know the true and the living God. 

There are many gods in the world, but there’s only one true and living God. 

He worshipped the many idols of his religion. He became very sick and was about to die. In a darkened room he began to pray. He prayed to this god; nobody answered. He prayed to that god, and nobody answered. He prayed to the other god, and nobody answered. He was afraid to die. 

Then, he lifted his voice in the dark and said, “Is there any God anywhere that can hear me? If there’s any God anywhere that can hear me, come to me. I don’t even ask you to heal me; tell me how to die. I’m afraid to die.”

God hears the prayer of the destitute.

He lay there and nothing happened. In a few hours, there was a knock on the door. 

A woman came in and told him: “I was walking by this place and the God in heaven, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ told me to knock on this door. Somebody needed Jesus.”

God hears the prayer of the destitute and satisfies the longing soul.

He got saved and was called to preach. He became pastor of the biggest church in the world. He could have said, “I cried, but no god answered.”

The true and living God began to work the very moment he cried out. 

God hears the destitute…

You may be in a storm today and do not know what is about to happen to you.

God is already working on your behalf.

The Ethiopian eunuch was looking for an answer

He was very religious and had traveled hundreds of miles from Ethiopia to worship in Jerusalem. He is going home from Jerusalem but he was not satisfied. He was reading in Isaiah 53 how Jesus was to come and die on the cross and bear our sins and sicknesses.

Although he read it, he did not understand.

God was listening to his groaning and questions.

We are not told that he prayed, but he must have groaned out to God. He was longing to understand. “Oh God, hear my sigh.”

God regards the prayer of the destitute.

He had been to Jerusalem and had been worshipping. He still feel naked and empty. He wanted something that he did not have. He was looking in the Word and did not understand it.

God was working up in Samaria in a great citywide revival.

Demons were coming out of people and many paralyzed and lame were healed.

There were miracles. In the middle of a great revival, the angel of the Lord told Philip,“I have something for you to do.” He said, “Arise and go down the desert road that goes from Jerusalem to Gaza. 

Do you find it interesting that God was looking on that Ethiopian eunuch?

All the angel told Philip to do was, “Go south on the road into the wilderness.” God was listening and watching that man in a chariot. 

God hears your cry, tears, sorrow, and pain.

God sees, knows and is working in your behalf.

When Philip obeyed, he found this Ethiopian. The Spirit of God said, “Go over and join that chariot.”

God knows what is going on in your soul.

You many not even know it, but God is working.

If your soul is crying out to God, He hears you.

  • You may need to be saved. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
  • You may need to come back to God. You have wandered away from God, but He has heard you.
  • You may be burdened and oppressed. Your load is heavy but He will lift your load.
  • You may be sick and dying. Our God can heal and restore your body.
  • You may be bound, but He will set you free.

God is ready to help you.

He has heard your longing soul. He will fill your hungry soul. He has regarded your prayer. He present right now to give you release, healing and help.