Dr. M. DeWayne Anderson

Christ Revealed — To You  

The most important thing that you can learn is what God has provided for you in Jesus Christ. We need to know the Lord in every way possible. Know Him as the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. Know Him as your Savior, Healer, and Deliverer. Know Him in every office and feature of His person and divinity. When we are facing adversity, we need to know Him in His might and power. We need to know that His blood still cleanses and provides protection against the attacks of the enemy. It is imperative to have Christ revealed to you. Since Jesus is God’s answer for a hurting world, we need to know Him in His creative power.

John 1:1-3 NKJV In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.

This is important for each of us because we need to know that He is able to take care of our greatest challenge and strongest adversity. To help us in ways that no one else could help us, God sent His eternal Son into this world.

John 1:14 NIV The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. 

Jesus became flesh and made His dwelling among us so that He may become our Savior and Redeemer. God did not send the greatest of His angels to help us. God sent His Son, Who came down to our level so that He may show us the Father.

Consider the fact that we have seen His glory.

Do you know what that means? Jesus has been revealed in such a way that we may become partakers of His goodness. He has freely given of Himself so that we may know Him in His power and in His resurrection. He is still making the profound riches of His grace and glory available so that you can know Him better.

Ephesians 1:17 NIV I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 

Can Christ be revealed to you?

Is it really possible for you to know Jesus Christ better? Is Christ still being revealed, or has the revelation been sealed?

Throughout history, we see a progressive revelation of God. He revealed Himself in various ways and in different times. The Bible traces that progressive revelation.

God’s revelation to Job, Noah, and Abraham was not as advanced as it was to Isaiah.

The nature of God’s self-revelation has taken what has been revealed in the past and expands and builds upon it. As a result, by reading through the Bible we gain an increasing understanding of Who God is, what He does, and His nature and character.

In the Garden of Eden, the existence of God was shown when God walked and talked with Adam in the cool of the day.

God was seen as Elohim- the almighty, omnipotent, sovereign, majestic, glorious, creator God. He revealed Himself as the holy God and required obedience for continued fellowship. After Adam and Eve sinned and lost the fellowship they enjoyed with God, in grace and mercy the promise of a Savior was revealed. 

He revealed Himself as the righteous and powerful God to Noah.

God revealed His holiness by not overlooking sin. He showed Noah and his family that He is able to save and that He is sovereignly in control.

God continued to reveal Himself during Abraham’s life.

The Lord our God revealed Himself through the covenant which He made with Abraham, the oath to Isaac, and He confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, (Psalms 105:7-10). God promised that his seed would be a blessing to all the nations. From Abraham’s seed a Redeemer would come.

When Moses arrived on the scene, God continued showing His power, holiness, and glory.

Through Moses, we learn that when God is near even the ground becomes “holy ground.” God was ever present to help His people. He demonstrated His love and care by dwelling with them and providing for all their need.

By the time of the Monarchs, God revealed Himself as the God of blessing.

Over and over God showed how He would bless, keep, supply and save. In the process, God continued to reveal the hope of the Messiah through David’s descendants. God would restore and redeem the world from the power and destruction of sin.

The Prophets were given an expanded revelation of God’s redemptive plan.

Isaiah detailed Christ’s substitutionary atonement and suffering. Zechariah spoke of His sufferings. Isaiah revealed that the holy God is involved in man’s affairs. Ezekiel detailed future worship and glorious appearance Christ. Zechariah continued to emphasize God’s holiness.

When we come into the New Testament, God is revealed  through His Son.

In the Old Testament, the revelation of God was given in small increments. Now God steps into history through His Son. 

Hebrews 1:1-2 NIV In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed Heir of all things, and through whom He made the universe.

Jesus Christ demonstrated things about God that no one else could know. 

Only someone Who had been in the presence of the Father for all eternity could know and reveal such truth. Jesus demonstrated God’s love, mercy, and goodness. He told us several things about God. He spoke of God’s personal care and attention. He told us God pays attention to the birds of the air, then He said, “You are of more value than they,” (Matthew 6:26; 10:29). Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things, (Matthew 6:32). God is on the throne, (Matthew 23:22). He is the Lord, (Matthew 3:7; Luke 4:8). God will avenge His own, (Luke 18:7). God’s glory was revealed through Him on the Mount of Transfiguration, (Matthew 17:1-8). He said the goodness of God is incomparable, (Matthew 19:17). The power of God is able to raise the dead, (Mark 12:24-27). He proved that nothing is impossible with God, (Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37).

From the very beginning, God revealed everything about Himself through His Son.

Christ was presented and then all things were measured and judged in His light. Through the Lord Jesus Christ we are restored and reunited with the Father.It is not enough to observe the glory of His creation, we must see the handiwork of Christ in us.

Without the living Christ, the life and the glory is not present.

God’s way of life and power is in His Son. The heavenly nature is in His Son.

We must see Jesus Christ the Son.

When we see Jesus Christ the Son of God, everything else will follow. Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places that is given by the Holy Spirit is a continued and increasing revelation of Jesus. 

John 15:26 NIV When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth Who goes out from the Father, He will testify about me.

The Holy Spirit is bringing us through situations that make it necessary for us to have a renewed knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Throughout history, God’s revelation has been bound up with practical situations. He gave bread from heaven to His hungry people in the wilderness. The Apostles received revelations of Christ for the Church when they were facing severe situations in their lives. When times were desperate, they called and the Holy Spirit revealed Christ’s power to save, deliver, and heal. Christ Jesus was always sufficient for every need. When the disciples faced untenable situations, they prayed for God to send the Holy Spirit upon them and give them boldness. As a result of their prayer, the power of the resurrected Christ came upon them with the boldness and victory they needed. The Lord always gives light, life and hope for our situations. Right now, Jesus Christ is being revealed by the work of the Holy Spirit.

Whatever it is that you are going through, Jesus is the answer.

He will be Strength, Hope, and Life for you. He will be Health, Victory and Salvation. He will be Shepherd, Keeper, and Supply. The Holy Spirit is testifying this to your innermost being right now. He is turning your focus from the things that are happening in your world to Jesus Christ.