Dr. M. DeWayne Anderson

Christ Revealed — An Open Heaven 

Christ Revealed — An Open Heaven 

After God met with Moses at the burning bush, he was sent to bring Israel out of captivity. They had been slaves for 400 years and God was bringing them out of Egypt to meet with them in the wilderness. As they started on their journey, God began revealing Himself to them in many ways. When they came out of Egypt, God brought them across the Red Sea and led them to Mount Sinai.

When they came to the mountain, God came down in power and great glory. The mountain appeared to be burning with fire and there was darkness, gloom, thunder and lightning and the sound of a great trumpet blast. Then they heard the voice of God speaking and His words were so powerful the people could not endure another word. Everyone was trembling with fear in the presence of God.

You have not come to Mount Sinai.

Hebrews 12:22-25 NIV But you have come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks.

Through Christ, God is opening heaven to us.

In the Old Testament, Israel had a revelation of God that caused them to “exceedingly fear and quake.” God brought Moses and the whole house of faith into a fellowship that was intimate, powerful, and real. It was so intense that the people cried out that they could not endure any more. They came into this fellowship with God.

Here is the good news, “But you have come.”

God is bringing us into things in Christ that are more real or powerful than what they experienced. God has opened up heaven for us through Jesus Christ.

In Genesis 28, Jacob found himself in God’s presence at Bethel.

The text describes the experience as a dream in the night, but to Jacob it was more than a dream. He knew without a doubt that he had come into the presence of almighty God. The place he was sleeping on was holy ground. He was afraid in the awesome holy presence of God. Jacob could not believe his eyes when he caught a glimpse of what God brought him into. He was looking into the glories of heaven and saw the angels of heaven descending and ascending. Then he saw God seated on a throne and the glory of the Lord all around.

In the Exodus, the Israelites were brought step by step, and phase by phase on their journey.

It was a gradual transition from where they had been in bondage into a new land, a new promise, and a new inheritance. Every step increased their revelation, understanding, and knowledge of the Almighty God.

Hebrews 12 shows us what we have come into.

God has given us a revelation of the treasure and beauty of heaven. He has shown us His majesty, holiness, glory, and power. We have been given spiritual gifts of healings and miracles. Like Israel, we have come to blessings and a fellowship that is greater than we can comprehend. The power of God’s presence and the workings of the Holy Spirit are profound and rich.

In the Exodus, they progressed slowly in the knowledge of the glories of God.

In Jesus Christ all of the bits and pieces, phases and stages are accomplished and fulfilled.

Jesus Christ is the heart and soul of the church.

  • Through Christ, we have been brought to Mount Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God. You have come to an open heaven. God has opened up all of the goodness, grace and mercy that you need.
  • You have been brought to an innumerable company of angels. The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them, (Psalms 34:7). Millions of God’s angels are given charge over God’s children, to keep them in all their ways, (Psalms 91:11). You have been brought into the atmosphere of God’s holy angels who are worshiping and praising God.
  • In Christ, you have been brought to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven. You have been brought into the congregation of those who have been made perfect by the blood and sacrifice of Christ. What a fellowship and joy divine. You have been brought into something that is bigger. We are part of the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven.
  • You have come to God. When Israel came to Mount Sinai, they could not stand in the presence of God Almighty. You have been brought to God and you are covered and made righteous in His sight.
  • You have been brought to Jesus Christ the Mediator of the new covenant, and the sprinkling of His blood that cleanses from sin. You have come under the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ. What does that mean? You are covered and protected by His blood. You have cleansing and new life. You have victory and power through His precious blood.

God has brought us into something greater than Mount Sinai. We have come into all of the wealth and richness that is in Christ.

  • Without Jesus Christ we just have an idea or theory about it all. We do not need a theory of salvation or sanctification. We need salvation and cleansing.
  • We do not need a theory of healing. We need healing for our spirit and body.
  • We do not need a doctrine about prophecy or revelation. We need to know Him and the power of His resurrection.
  • We do not need a doctrine of the last days and the second coming. We need the assurance of hope that is in Christ.
  • We do not need a theory of deliverance. We need to be set free. We need the working of God. We need His power. We need to know the reality of His person and presence.

We have come into the vital and living part of “the Church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven.”

The Holy Spirit is revealing Christ in us. He is unveiling Christ’s power, glory, righteousness and holiness. He is bringing divine healing to our bodies, souls and spirits.

We have come to Christ in the power of His resurrection glory.

Jesus Christ is center of our salvation, sanctification, and healing. Jesus Christ is what the second coming is all about. We must KNOW CHRIST.

It is a privilege to come into God’s blessing, power and presence.

God is opening heaven to us and revealing His glories. He is showing us Christ in all of His splendor and power. He is making a glorious change in our lives. His blessing will be realized in our lives.

When Israel arrived at Mount Sinai, they were not prepared for what God wanted to do with them. When Jacob came to Bethel and heaven was opened, he was too involved in running from his brother to take in all that God wanted to do.

It is my prayer that as God opens heaven to us, we will be ready for it.