
We are excited to be connecting with you. It is our prayer that you connect with us, that you encounter God’s grace and favor, and that your faith is strengthened. We are serving a God of all hope and blessing and He will walk with you through whatever you are facing.

May you be blessed as you search to find God’s best for your life and fulfill His expected end and plan.

Dr. M. DeWayne Anderson

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The Unshakable Life — God Will Fight For You

Throughout the Bible we are given promises of God’s intervention in the lives of people who put their faith and trust in Him. Isaiah was given a prophetic word about the intervention of the Messiah in our lives. Speaking by the Spirit He gave witness of the message of good news that would be fulfilled …

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Romans, Part 27

In our last session, Paul said: “It is not that the Word of God has taken no effect.” (Romans 9:6) He was considering the great promises and covenant that God had made with people in Israel and the numbers who failed to believe and receive the promise of God. They were attempting to obtain righteousness …

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The Unshakable Life — A Strong Savior

Have you ever felt like you needed more power? Maybe you came up against things that you could not handle. Often in the lives of the early disciples they faced situations that were overwhelming. Their faith was weak at times and they were easily shaken. This happened to them when they faced storms they could …

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Romans, Part 26

At the end of Romans 8, we are shown the depth of God’s love and commitment to those He has redeemed. By not sparing His Own Son, God made it clear that He is for us and loves us. God’s commitment has made all of His resources available through Christ. The depth of the riches …

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The Unshakable Life — God is a Present Help

David affirmed how God in all of His greatness and glory had delivered him from the hand of all his enemies. In 2 Samuel 22, David shows how close he was to being destroyed. Since the Lord had been such a strong help in the past, as he faced new crisis, he set his face …

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Romans, Part 25

Romans chapter 8 concludes with believers being asked several questions to help strengthen their faith and trust in God. These questions help us to understand how God comes to our defense and help demonstrate His great love. The last few studies revealed God’s grace and mercy that made us sons of God. Now God is …

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