
We are excited to be connecting with you. It is our prayer that you connect with us, that you encounter God’s grace and favor, and that your faith is strengthened. We are serving a God of all hope and blessing and He will walk with you through whatever you are facing.

May you be blessed as you search to find God’s best for your life and fulfill His expected end and plan.

Dr. M. DeWayne Anderson

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The Portrait of Christ’s Joy

Jesus referred to joy several times during His incarnation. Most of the times He spoke of joy, He was referring to something He wanted to give to us. The One Who was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities wants us to have His joy. Looking away from all of the things that …

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Romans, Part 14

Paul begins Romans 7 with a comparison of marriage and the Law. To illustrate our new life of freedom in Christ, he says a woman was bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives, but if he dies, she is free. God has made a life and walk in victory and …

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The Portrait of Christ’s Love

Love is an overriding characteristic of God’s nature. We are clearly told that God is Love. The love of God is most clearly manifest in the life and gift of Jesus Christ, God’s Son. The revelation of God’s love is expressed through the life, labors, attitudes and sacrifices of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:2 NIV Live …

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Romans, Part 13

Romans 6, 7, and 8 give four steps of the life without condemnation. We must know, reckon, present and walk or live. We must know. We must know that Jesus Christ vicariously died on the cross for our sins. We must know that we have been crucified with Him. We must know that our sins, …

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The Portrait of Christ

The character, nature, work and person of Christ is revealed throughout the Bible. The Old Testament prophets were given a portrait of the history, mission, titles, and characteristics of Christ. The image painted to them was so thorough that He could be recognized when He came as the Messiah. They were given snapshots of His …

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Romans, Part 12

We are considering the new life of victory that we have been given in Christ. The first key word to this new life of victory was “know.” It is imperative for us to “know” what we have in Christ. Second, we will be considering that we “reckon or consider” that we have died to sin …

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