Category: Behold Your God

Behold Your God — Nothing Impossible

Behold Your God — Nothing Impossible Luke 18:27 NKJV But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” All human beings are faced with personal limitations and frailties. Many of the miracles, healings, signs and wonders that are seen in the Bible were humanly impossible. The Lord our God freely …

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Behold Your God — Providence / Sovereignty

Behold Your God — Providence / Sovereignty Providence relates to God’s plan and interaction with His creation. Divine providence is associated with God’s sovereignty, foreknowledge, will, and good and evil. Providence essentially means the “foresight or provision of God beforehand.” This is directly related to God’s sovereign control of all things. Both of these are …

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Behold Your God — Wrath / Mercy – Grace

Behold Your God — Wrath / Mercy – Grace After we consider the holiness of God, we must address the wrath or justice of God. Since God is ultimately and totally holy, He cannot tolerate unrighteousness or evil. Before the events of Genesis 1, God created the hosts of the angels. In their various ranks, …

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Behold Your God — Holy

Behold Your God — Holy The holiness of God is so central to biblical teaching that it is said, “Holy is His name,” (Luke 1:49). When the Lord was instructing His disciples how to pray, the first line of the prayer states, “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name…” Jesus was saying when you …

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Behold Your God, Power

Behold Your God, Power After the Bible declares with absolute certainty God’s existence, we are given a glimpse of His character, nature, and being. Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” God revealed Himself as אֱלֹהִים  (’elohiym),  the true God.  Before God took action to create, there was nothing. There …

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Behold Your God

Much is determined and established by the being, power, and existence of God. Everything that we have, hold, know and hope for is dependent upon Him. We are given no defense for God’s existence in the Bible, but are told in Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God.” God revealed Himself as אֱלֹהִים  (’elohiym),  the true God.  …

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