The ultimate position of honor and glory belongs to King Jesus.
God the Father has made it clear that His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, is enough.
God wants you to know that He is ready to bring great relief, rest and refreshing for your souls.
God does so many wonderful things for us through Christ that make a tremendous difference in our lives. Some of these changes are dramatic and instantaneous, while others are gradual and persistent.
How can we have abiding peace that keeps us in times of trouble?
Jesus is to me the access to God and every blessing of His covenant.
In the midst of all of our difficult circumstances, we can have lasting hope. This hope comes from the confidence we have placed in God almighty.
Everyone has a foundation of some kind that they stand upon. That foundation is the load bearing and underlying strength and support for their life.
Jesus gives true freedom from things that have bound us.
In one of His last messages to His disciples, Jesus spoke about access into His Father’s house.
Look at Jesus and you will see the perfect example of love.
One of the great benefits of faith and trust in God is the calm assurance that He is the Lord our Keeper.
The holder of the keys has the authority and power to release or bind.
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