The VIA DOLOROSA – the way of sorrows — is the route taken by our Lord Jesus from the Garden of Gethsemane to the cross. Christ came into this world to make it possible for us to find relief and exit from that way of sorrows.
The appearance of the risen Lord brought a wonderful change. They were not to continue in uncertainty and fear. Everything Jesus had taught them began to come alive.
The Lord Jesus often spoke of the Father’s care for His people. The theme was repeated in many ways throughout the Bible.
When God made a covenant with His people, He said He would intervene in our lives by healing our diseases.
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.
God came down in the person and work of Christ to redeem and save you from your sin.
Since God is “Jehovah Shammah”…always there, we have hope.
The Lord our God is Jehovah—Rapha, the God who heals us.
God has revealed Himself as El Shaddai, the Lord God Almighty.
The Lord was revealing Himself as Jehovah Roi, the Lord our Shepherd, the God Who loves us.
One of our deepest needs is a joy-filled life.
Here is a word from God for everyone who needs personal peace of mind.
Jehovah M’kaddesh is the God who makes us holy.
You need an encounter with the God who defends His people.
Jesus refers to God as our heavenly Father.
God intervenes in our lives in various ways. He has revealed Himself to us as our Healer, Deliver, Defender, Helper, Shepherd, and Savior.
Often we come to those moments when nothing else can satisfy but Jesus.
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