Tag: atonement

Romans, Part 6

The heart of the letter to the Romans is found in how the sinner and ungodly may be made righteous and just by a holy God. This is the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God has provided salvation and everything that is involved in that by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mdanba.com/2024/05/14/romans-part-6/

John Part 13: The Revelation of Jesus Christ — Clean

John 3:22-36, refers to the concurrent baptisms of John and Jesus’ disciples. Matthew and Mark indicate that John the Baptist was imprisoned immediately after Jesus was baptized. The events of our study happen just before John the Baptist was imprisoned. John 3:24tells us, “John had not yet been thrown into prison.”  John 3:22 NKJV After …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mdanba.com/2021/08/04/john-part-13-the-revelation-of-jesus-christ-clean/

How God Intervenes In Our Lives – God Came Down

In the beginning, Adam and Eve did not struggle with being right before God. They lived in perfect peace and harmony with God before sin entered into the world. They lived without a conscious awareness of sin or wrong. It was paradise until sin entered, and then the man and the woman hid themselves from …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mdanba.com/2021/04/29/how-god-intervenes-in-our-lives-god-came-down/

Anointing With Oil

The Life of Faith, Part 12, A Study in James – Anointing With Oil  Within this instruction on how to pray for the sick, we are told to anoint with oil when we pray for healing. James was not the first or only one to anoint with oil and lay hands on the sick for …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mdanba.com/2021/03/09/anointing-with-oil/

Jesus Christ Apostle and High Priest

Hebrews 3 notifies believers that they share the same calling as Jesus Christ, our faithful Apostle and High Priest. We should break this down. In the previous section, we were told that Jesus shared in the same things that we partake. This is the message of the identification of Christ with our humanity. He identified …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mdanba.com/2020/02/26/jesus-christ-apostle-and-high-priest/

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