The message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ introduces believers into a whole spectrum of new life, hope, and riches in Christ. When we receive Christ as our Savior and Lord, we are vitally connected to Him and everything that constitutes His victory and position with the Father. We have been made partakers of the …
Tag: resurrection
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Jun 25 2024
Romans, Part 12
We are considering the new life of victory that we have been given in Christ. The first key word to this new life of victory was “know.” It is imperative for us to “know” what we have in Christ. Second, we will be considering that we “reckon or consider” that we have died to sin …
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Mar 29 2024
Convincing Proof, Christ – Resurrection Life
The death and resurrection of Jesus is the most important thing that happened in all of history. When Jesus died on the cross, He did not leave anything undone. He paid the price in full for your sin and iniquity, for your salvation and reconciliation, for your sickness and healing. Nothing more needs to be …
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Dec 12 2023
The Work of the Holy Spirit
The Work of the Holy Spirit Throughout eternity, the Holy Spirit has been actively involved in all of the works of the Divine Trinity. There are three basic areas of God’s work: Divine decrees, Creation (the execution of His decrees), and sovereign rule (preservation and providence). God’s decrees involve God’s eternal purpose. In eternity past, …
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Oct 14 2023
Christ Revealed —In Clouds of Glory
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 NKJV For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the …
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Oct 03 2023
Appearances of Angels with Jesus
Chapter 3 Appearances of Angels with Jesus As we have seen, angels ministered openly to certain individuals at specific times. These appearances occurred when God was intervening in the affairs of the world. Most of the obvious ministry of angels has been directed toward the heirs of salvation. Beyond those appearances of angels, their ministry …
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May 22 2023
Revelation, Part 19 — Last Things
When we arrive in Revelation 20, the Antichrist and the False Prophet have already been judged and confined into the lake of fire for eternity. Satan is bound in the bottomless pit for the duration of the literal Millennial Reign of Christ on earth. At the end of the thousand years, Satan will be released …
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Nov 25 2022
Changed — We shall be Changed
Changed — We shall be Changed There is a blessed time that is coming soon when we shall be changed. The Bible gives us hope that perseveres beyond the events and circumstances of this life. Most of us are impressed with who we are and what we are going through — our weaknesses, limitations, and …
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Jul 01 2022
Eternity — Heaven — We will have a new body
God has done much to prepare for us to be with Him in heaven and throughout eternity. When that glorious day comes, we will have a new body. Much has happened to each of us in this old body. We have been wounded and bruised. Our present body grows weary and groans and sighs. We …
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May 04 2022
John, Part 49 — The Revelation of Jesus Christ — The Resurrection
The physical resurrection of Christ is the basis of our faith and certification that our sins have been dealt with. John 20 shows three post-resurrection appearances of Christ. When Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus wrapped the body of Jesus and laid it in a tomb, certain women from Galilee came after them and observed the …
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Apr 22 2022
He is to me: The Holder of the Keys
The holder of the keys has the authority and power to release or bind. The power of the keys describes certain authority that Christ gave to the church to bind and loose. In the Book of Revelation is a reference to the One Who has the keys of utmost authority and power. Revelation 1:10-17 NKJV …
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Apr 16 2022
Who will roll away the stone?
Most of us have been confronted with situations that are too difficult for us to solve: Who will roll away the stone? Throughout the history of mankind, people have faced gigantic problems, sickness, diseases, and losses that seem impossible to be moved. Often in Biblical history, God’s people came up against impossible situations. Israel faced …
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Mar 24 2022
He is to me: Access into the Father’s House
He is to me: Access into the Father’s House In one of His last messages to His disciples, Jesus spoke about access into His Father’s house. These are some of the most profound words of peace, hope, and eternal security for everyone who believes in Him. The Lord is telling us something we could not …
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Jan 21 2022
He is to me — King Jesus
The ultimate position of honor and glory belongs to King Jesus. Revelation 11:15 NET Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven saying: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign for ever and ever.” He is …
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Jan 18 2022
John, Part 34 — The Revelation of Jesus Christ — True Worship
We are picking up were we left off in the previous study. Lazarus had been sick and ultimately died. When Jesus arrived in Bethany, Mary and Martha told Jesus Lazarus was dead and had been in the grave four days. Now, Jesus is back in Bethany and everyone was excited that Lazarus had been brought …
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Jan 12 2022
John, Part 33 — The Revelation of Jesus Christ — Lazarus, Come Out!
We have witnessed several notable miracles and healings during the study of John’s Gospel. Now we are looking at Jesus’ power over life and death. The events of John 11 precede the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem and His ultimate death and resurrection. Jesus was offering irrefutable evidence of His authority and power to His …
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Sep 22 2021
John, Part 20 — The Revelation of Jesus Christ — Jesus Changes Your Destiny
We have been observing Jesus’ power and authority to give life and change people’s destiny. Jesus came as a light into the world and began revealing His glory. John 1:14 NKJV And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, …
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Sep 14 2021
John, Part 19 — The Revelation of Jesus Christ— Jesus’ Authority and Power
Jesus just healed the man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath. Although the man had been paralyzed for at least 38 years, Jesus was able to make him well with the command, “Take up your bed and walk.” As a result of His actions of mercy on the Sabbath, the Jews persecuted Jesus …
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Jul 31 2021
More of Jesus: Just Give Me More of Jesus!
The Psalmist expresses a deep desire that many of us feel for more of God in our lives. Often we come to those moments when nothing else can satisfy but Jesus. Just give me more of Jesus! Psalm 42:1-6 NKJV As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O …
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Apr 02 2021
How God intervenes in our lives: The Living Lord
For three years the disciples walked with Jesus and beheld His glory. They witnessed all manner of miracles, signs and wonders. Jesus answered their questions, told them the wonders of God’s wisdom and spoke of things that would come. In His presence they became transformed. The death of Jesus had a devastating effect on them. …
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