Behold Your God, Power After the Bible declares with absolute certainty God’s existence, we are given a glimpse of His character, nature, and being. Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” God revealed Himself as אֱלֹהִים (’elohiym), the true God. Before God took action to create, there was nothing. There …
Tag: revelation
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Jan 28 2025
Behold Your God
Much is determined and established by the being, power, and existence of God. Everything that we have, hold, know and hope for is dependent upon Him. We are given no defense for God’s existence in the Bible, but are told in Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God.” God revealed Himself as אֱלֹהִים (’elohiym), the true God. …
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Dec 12 2023
The Work of the Holy Spirit
The Work of the Holy Spirit Throughout eternity, the Holy Spirit has been actively involved in all of the works of the Divine Trinity. There are three basic areas of God’s work: Divine decrees, Creation (the execution of His decrees), and sovereign rule (preservation and providence). God’s decrees involve God’s eternal purpose. In eternity past, …
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Oct 24 2023
The Revealed and Inspired Word of God
Revealed & Inspired Word of God PDF Christ in the Bible PDF The word “inspired” means “God breathed.” 2 Timothy 3:16 NASB95 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. Every word of the Bible is inspired or “God breathed.” This was the Apostles’ view …
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Oct 19 2022
Revelation, Part 7 — After These Things
In the previous chapters, John was given messages for the church. In each of the messages, the Lord encouraged the church to hold fast, persevere, repent, and return. Immediately after speaking to the churches, John’s focus was turned from the things that are toward the things that will soon happen. Revelation 4:1 NKJV After these …
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Oct 12 2022
Revelation, Part 6 — The Seven Churches — Philadelphia, Laodicea
We are looking at the last two of the seven churches of Asia – Philadelphia, Laodicea. These two churches are completely different from each other, one is faithful and the other is lukewarm. As with each of the other churches, the Lord’s initial address indicates the message that is about to be presented. Philadelphia was …
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Sep 28 2022
Revelation, Part 4, The Seven Churches — Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos
The next two chapters of the Revelation is a special address to the church. Some believe the message is broken down into various periods of church history, Ephesus represents the first century of the church and Laodicea the last day church. That view is very unlikely. The method of the revelation and distribution to the …
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Sep 21 2022
Revelation, Part 3 — The Son of Man in the Midst of the Church
After declaring that the Lord is coming with clouds and every eye will see Him, John had an amazing encounter with the Son of Man. Revelation 1:9 NKJV I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the …
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Sep 07 2022
Revelation, Part 1 — The Revelation
The first three verses announce the revelation of Jesus Christ is the purpose for the book. The Revelation looks forward toward the consummation of all things and at the same time resolves issues that were presented in the remainder of the Bible. Almost all of the characters, symbols, events, numbers and colors are previously introduced …
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Jul 07 2021
John, Part 9 — The Revelation of Jesus Christ — Consumed by Zeal
John is giving a revelation of Jesus Christ. We have been given several names that help us know Jesus Christ. Then John begins showing us Christ’s character and mission. As he progressively reveals Christ, we are shown His power and glory. When Jesus turned the water into wine, John said, “This beginning of signs Jesus …
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