With everything that you have and ever hope to be, you can trust God.
Even when hope is delayed, you can trust God to do what He said He would do.
When we face uncertain times we usually think naturally, but God is supernatural. God’s voice tells us to trust Him, even when we do not know the path that He wants us to take.
The plan for redemption finds its origin in the mind and heart of God. As God was looking down through the ages of humanity, He realized that we would need help in several areas of life.
In the good times and challenging times, we need to know that God is faithful. Through every experience of life, God was faithful.
The Lord our God is the mighty God. We should know that God is the Almighty, all powerful God. Jesus was speaking to a group of very religious people.
What we know about God is critical for life and how we face our challenges, difficulties, and tests. God’s nature and character gives us a basis for our faith and trust.
Most of us have had moments when we felt a particular need to pray for our family. We trust God to protect and keep our families.
God provided cleansing from sickness and disease. God even provided cleansing for the mind, spirit and soul.
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