New Life in Christ – Trusting Jesus We have learned how to sit, walk and stand with Christ. Our faith in Him has brought us into newness of life. Rather than being tossed and driven by the circumstances of life and being a prey to every evil scheme of the adversary, we are learning to …
Tag: faith
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Mar 04 2025
Behold Your God — Nothing Impossible
Behold Your God — Nothing Impossible Luke 18:27 NKJV But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” All human beings are faced with personal limitations and frailties. Many of the miracles, healings, signs and wonders that are seen in the Bible were humanly impossible. The Lord our God freely …
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Feb 07 2025
New Life in Christ – Walking
New Life in Christ – Walking Once we learn to rest completely and confidently in Christ, we are faced with the challenge of carefully walking with Him throughout every facet and phase of life. Ephesians 5:15-17 tells us to “be careful how we walk! Live purposefully, worthily and accurately… understanding the will of the Lord.” …
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Jan 31 2025
New Life in Christ – Trouble Sitting
When we are introduced into this new life in Christ we must learn to put all of our faith and trust in Him. God has provided deep riches in Christ for everyone who truly trusts in Him. There was a man who was walking down the road carrying a heavy load. His burden was so …
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Jan 02 2025
Facing the Future with Strong Faith and Hope
I want to challenge all of us to start this new year and face the future with strong faith and hope. Last year presented many challenges and changes in many of our lives. Some of those changes were anticipated and many of them caught us by surprise and even took our breath away. It is …
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Oct 23 2024
Romans, Part 29
The letter to the Romans was given to provoke a response and lead people to Christ. In the first 8 chapters, we were shown how justification and righteousness are accomplished through Christ. We were shown our own weakness and sin and then God’s plan to redeem and save through Christ. Romans 9-11 reveals the way …
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Oct 16 2024
Romans, Part 28
Early in church history, believers in Jesus as the Christ were persecuted. The enemies of the cross and Christ attempted to destroy the early church. In Acts 8, Saul was consenting to the persecution of the church which is at Jerusalem. After Stephen’s death, believers fled persecution and traveled through Syria, Cyprus, Cappadogia, Galatia, Pamphylia, …
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Oct 09 2024
Romans, Part 27
In our last session, Paul said: “It is not that the Word of God has taken no effect.” (Romans 9:6) He was considering the great promises and covenant that God had made with people in Israel and the numbers who failed to believe and receive the promise of God. They were attempting to obtain righteousness …
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Oct 04 2024
The Unshakable Life — A Strong Savior
Have you ever felt like you needed more power? Maybe you came up against things that you could not handle. Often in the lives of the early disciples they faced situations that were overwhelming. Their faith was weak at times and they were easily shaken. This happened to them when they faced storms they could …
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Sep 12 2024
The Unshakable Life — Don’t Worry
This last week I was reading a news article that was filled with fear and anxiety about the things that are about to happen in our world. Everything the author was saying indicated impending doom and disaster. It was obvious that they were looking at things without faith and trust in God. We are serving …
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Jun 25 2024
Romans, Part 12
We are considering the new life of victory that we have been given in Christ. The first key word to this new life of victory was “know.” It is imperative for us to “know” what we have in Christ. Second, we will be considering that we “reckon or consider” that we have died to sin …
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May 29 2024
Romans, Part 8
In the previous verses, we are told that the promise of God is not fulfilled through the law, but through by righteousness that comes by faith in God. Inheriting the promise and being justified or righteous before God depends entirely on faith, in order that it might be given as an act of God’s grace …
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May 22 2024
Romans, Part 7
Throughout the Bible, justification and righteousness before God is achieved by faith. When Abraham believed God, it was credited to him as righteousness. David described the blessing of God on those to whom God credits righteousness apart from works. Both Abraham and David give testimony of justification before God by faith and not by works. …
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May 03 2024
Favor of God’s Presence — Living by His Promises
From the beginning, God has given promises that are the bedrock of faith. These promises of God are the basis for the lifestyle of victory and overcoming faith in the midst of our trials and tests of life. We need to keep the promises of God in the forefront of our minds and spirit. Keep …
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Apr 03 2024
Ephesians, Part 11
Ephesians 6 This final section shows how to walk in victory with the whole armor of God. Every child of God soon learns that life is filled with challenges and spiritual and physical warfare. Our victory over the principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness of this age is dependent upon the victory that Christ has …
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Jan 26 2024
Psalm 91 — No Fear
Psalm 91, Verses 1-2 showed us the confidence we have under God’s shadow. Verses 3-8 lets us know that those who trust in the Lord should have no fear. We should know that the Lord our God has everything under control. When we are confronted with spiritual warfare, we should not be afraid. He is …
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Jan 03 2024
The Holy Spirit — Gifts
With the birth of the Church and the enduement of power by the coming of the Holy Spirit, believers were made to become a living testimony of Jesus Christ. Along with the dynamic change in their nature and character by the fruit of the Spirit, God gave gifts to the church to equip them to …
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Nov 24 2023
Receiving God’s Best – Don’t despise the Heritage
Before God had sent Moses into Egypt to bring His people out, God had a planned heritage for them. He had told Abraham, Isaac and Jacob about that Land of Promise. When Abraham and Sarah left their homeland, God had prepared this heritage and place for them. After Lot had separated from him and went …
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Nov 17 2023
Receiving God’s Best —When the Enemy Comes In
In the book of Isaiah, the Lord gave a strong word of His interest and power to help. Isaiah 59:1 HCSB Indeed, the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, and His ear is not too deaf to hear. In the next 14 verses, the prophet Isaiah took note of all of the things …
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Nov 10 2023
Receiving God’s Best — Anything is Possible
Luke 18:27 NKJV But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” A man had a situation with his son that the Lord’s disciples could not handle. Try as hard as they could, they were not able to bring the necessary deliverance and relief. The man’s son truly had a …
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Nov 03 2023
Receiving God’s Best — God will make it happen
Jeremiah 1:12 NKJV Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.” Everyone needs to hear this word from God. God is watching over everything that He has said and He is ready to perform His word. This covers every promise and prophecy. God is watching …
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Jul 15 2023
Limitless Riches of Christ — God’s Promises
Limitless Riches of Christ — God’s Promises God has given many promises that impact our lives and future. These promises are the sure Word of God. Whatever God has said will certainly happen. Have you received a promise from God for your life? If God’s Word and promise has become personal in your life, you …
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Jan 20 2023
Jehovah Shalom
Throughout the Bible, God has revealed Himself in various ways. Whenever He has spoken or come near, individuals were given a glimpse of God’s nature, character, power and person. Many times God’s appearance and word gave His people the strength and courage to face negative circumstances and the attack of the enemy. In Judges 6:24, …
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Jan 07 2023
Jehovah Shalom
Genesis 22:14 NKJV And Abraham called the name of the place, The-Lord-Will-Provide; as it is said to this day, “In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided.” There was a series of events that led up to this moment when Abraham told his son Isaac, Jehovah Jireh — “The Lord Will Provide.” A …
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Dec 31 2022
A Savior, Since Christ Came
Throughout the ages, God demonstrated His sovereign power and control. He did this when He created and when He chose His people. From the beginning, God determined to send a Savior into the world Who would carry out His redemptive plan. Jesus Christ came into this world to be the Savior. His mission was to …
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Oct 15 2022
When you need help… And you have to wait
Have you waited for something and it took longer than you thought it should for an answer? You expected the baby to arrive, but it took hours of labor. You were told a promotion was on the way, but weeks later, you were still waiting. A gift was coming in the mail, but you had …
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Oct 07 2022
When you need help… Things did not work the way you thought
Everyone that has put their faith and trust in God have faced moments when things did not work the way they thought. In the book of Mark, Jesus had crossed the Sea of Galilee again. While He was by the sea, a man named Jarius came and fell at His feet. Mark 5:23 NKJV He …
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Oct 01 2022
When you need help… Nothing is Impossible
Many of the miracles, healings, signs and wonders that were done in the Bible were humanly impossible. These things were done to demonstrate that God is God. This is true from the things that were somewhat simple to the most complex supernatural events. I am not sure how difficult it would be to turn water …
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Sep 24 2022
When you need help… Crumbs
Have you ever been hungry and all that was left were crumbs? The last time you looked there was one good sized piece of your favorite cake or pie. You went back to the kitchen and all that was left were crumbs. Most of the time, crumbs are not enough. In our story, a Canaanite …
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Sep 16 2022
When you need help… God hears the destitute.
Many of us go through times when only God can help. We face those situations at various times and stages of life. Before you panic or give up, you need to know: When you need help… God hears the destitute. Psalm 107:9 NKJV For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with …
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Sep 10 2022
God is — Author and Finisher
From the beginning of man’s history, God made great covenants and promises with people. He is not only the Author, God is the Finisher. What God has promised, He is able also to perform. Your faith does not just stand in the God of promises, it stands in the God Who will do whatever He …
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Aug 30 2022
1-2-3 John, Part 16 — Truth and Error
In his last two letters, John addressed truth and error as the church was challenged by false teaching and an antichrist spirit. When the Apostles met in the Jerusalem council, they addressed some of these divisions, false teachers and doctrines. False teachers and groups were presenting doctrines that questioned the deity and humanity of Christ. …
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Aug 24 2022
1-2-3 John, Part 15 — Born of God
1 John 5, begins with the dramatic change that occurs when one believes that Jesus is the Christ and are born of God. Believing is more than the initial confession of faith in Christ. “Believes” refers to a lifestyle of faith and trust in Jesus Christ. This divine certainty comes as a result of our …
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Aug 06 2022
God is Faithful
Whether we realize it or not, everyone depends on the fact that God is faithful. God’s faithfulness is the foundation for the stability of everything that is. Since He is the creator and sustainer of all creation, we depend on God’s faithfulness. God’s faithfulness is a sure foundation for our faith, hope and trust. Throughout …
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Aug 03 2022
1-2-3 John, Part 12 — Assurance Before God
Assurance before God is the confidence that we have that we are not condemned. This is a test that examines personal heartfelt feelings. We want to examine what is necessary for believers to have this assurance and confidence before God. 1 John 3:18–20 NKJV My little children, let us not love in word or in …
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Jul 22 2022
God is — Refuge And Strength
At some point in all of our lives we will need to know that God is our refuge and strength. Over and over God has given proof that He is able to help and sustain those who put their hope and trust in Him. God has given this testimony and promise so we will not …
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Mar 24 2022
He is to me: Access into the Father’s House
He is to me: Access into the Father’s House In one of His last messages to His disciples, Jesus spoke about access into His Father’s house. These are some of the most profound words of peace, hope, and eternal security for everyone who believes in Him. The Lord is telling us something we could not …
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Mar 23 2022
John, Part 43 — The Revelation of Jesus Christ — Jesus Cares
After the Passover meal, Jesus began comforting His disciples and showing the depth of His care for them. He said, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.” He promised to prepare a place in His Father’s house for you. He certified His love for you is the same …
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Feb 25 2022
He is to me: Abiding Peace
How can we have abiding peace that keeps us in times of trouble? Psalms 46, shows God to be our defense even if the earth is removed. The ultimate goal of this Psalm is to show us that God is our refuge and a mighty fortress. Psalm 46:1-5NKJV God is our refuge and strength, A …
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Feb 16 2022
John, Part 38 — The Revelation of Jesus Christ – Last Words At The Table!
Jesus was at the table giving final words of encouragement, instruction and preparation to His disciples. In our previous study, He told them to not be troubled or disturbed about what was going to happen. His words bring comfort and hope to every believer. As the meeting came to an end, Jesus made it clear …
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Jan 28 2022
He is to me — Lasting Hope
He is to me — Lasting Hope To many people, hope is just an optimistic state of mind or the ability to remain positive with respect to various circumstances in life. The depth and power of hope is recognized when faced with crisis. During days of difficulty, some people lose hope. When Paul was on …
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Dec 07 2021
John, Part 30 — The Revelation of Jesus Christ —Jesus the Light of the World
It appears that Jesus was still in the temple after showing grace, mercy and love to the woman taken in adultery. As He begins speaking, Jesus shows the difference in light and darkness. The word light is mentioned 52 times in John’s Gospel. All four gospels show the controversy between light and darkness. John 8:11-12 …
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Nov 26 2021
Called into the fellowship of His Son — Part 10 — Walk With Me
Jesus has said, “You can walk with Me.” When Jesus began making disciples, He called them out of all manner of vocations and backgrounds. Matthew 14 tells us that thousands of people were following Him because they saw the signs which He performed on the diseased. When they walked with Jesus they witnessed all manner …
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Oct 29 2021
Called into the Fellowship of His Son — Part 6 — Identified with Christ
Your identification is a testimony of your unique character, personality, individuality. How you are identified demonstrates what others see when they are around you. Being identified with Christ exhibits our union with Him and His substitutionary work. Identification with Christ is the ultimate degree of fellowship with Him. It is a testimony that we have …
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Oct 27 2021
John, Part 25 — The Revelation of Jesus Christ — Assurance of the Believer
Assurance is the strong belief and trust in God’s character. We have assurance in God’s truthfulness, righteousness, goodness, mercy, grace, and salvation. Every aspect of our Christian life finds strength and stability in this assurance. Since God is faithful and powerful, the believer finds assurance even in a world filled with uncertainty and anxiety. This …
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Oct 05 2021
John, Part 22— The Revelation of Jesus Christ – Certain of what we do not see
The question really is what do we think God can do. In John 6, the disciples were faced with two seemingly impossible situations that challenged their faith and what they thought God could do. Jesus challenged them to feed the multitudes and then they were faced with apparent death in the midst of the stormy …
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Aug 31 2021
John, Part 17 – The Revelation of Jesus Christ —Do you really believe?
What we believe is very critical. People of all religions have a statement of faith or belief. Hindu pilgrims believe the sacred Ganges River can wash away a lifetime of sins. Muslims have five pillars of Islam. The fifth pillar of their faith is a pilgrimage to Mecca. Every adult Muslim must make at least …
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Jul 10 2021
How God Intervenes in Our Lives — God, Our Father
Matthew 6:9-13 NKJV In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, But …
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Jul 02 2021
How God intervenes in our lives – The God Who Defends — Jehovah Nissi
Have you ever had a day when everyone and everything seemed to conspire against you? What do you do when everything is against you? Many people today are feeling overwhelmed by the build-up of things they are facing. You may be among those who feel overwhelmed by everything that is happening in our world and …
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May 08 2021
Mother’s Faith and Influence
In 1865 William Ross Wallace wrote, “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation that officially recognized Mother’s Day for the first time. Mothers are very important and deserve this honor. Her love and influence is priceless.I hope each of you have …
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Apr 28 2021
Unlimited Riches of Christ – God’s Promises
When God gives you a dream or promise, there is often a delay. Many people give up on their dream or promise when they face delay or opposition. Often when that happens, the promise becomes buried under discouragement, rejection, negative comments, or failure. What God has promised may seem to be lost, but the good …
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Apr 21 2021
Unlimited Riches of Christ – Living in His Victory
From the time that sin entered into this world, humanity has struggled against the powers of sin and death. 1 Corinthians 15:6 tells us the sting of death is sin. In verse 54, we are told: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” Death has lost its sting and hell has lost its victory. This victory …
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Mar 01 2021
The Power of Prayer
We are exploring our life of faith. James just instructed us to live humbly and with patience. Now he is telling us to pray with faith. What is prayer? James 5:13 NKJV Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. The word for prayer means to speak to …
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Feb 23 2021
Trust God With the Future
James 4:13 through James 5:12 encourages believers to put their trust in God. After telling us to humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord, James instructs believers to trust God and not our own wisdom. The focus of this section is preparing believers for the future. There are three sections in this text. Two …
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Feb 17 2021
Faith demands humility
In a world filled with selfish desires and passions, we contend with all kinds of wars, disputes, strifes, quarrels, and fights. The life of faith requires believers to submit to God regardless of the instinct or urge of the flesh, world, or the devil. James 4 confronts the personal passionate desires of the flesh that …
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Feb 10 2021
James 1 began a discussion on God-given wisdom. James 3:1–12 begins a new discussion on God-given wisdom. We are being shown how to manifest God-given wisdom in the manner we influence others, how to control our speech, and how to live right. In James 3:1 we are shown our awesome responsibility of influencing others. James …
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Feb 02 2021
God is Working on the Inside
The Book of James addresses a faith that is sustained through every situation of life. True faith is a lifestyle that reveals Christ in us. James is encouraging the believer’s faith to increase, persevere, and be unwavering. To understand what the Holy Spirit is saying, we need to look at the whole Epistle of James …
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Nov 10 2020
Living the Life
After James told us to maintain control over ourselves, he said our faith should be expressed in actions that are pure and unblemished in God’s sight. He is encouraging believers to remain unspotted and uncontaminated by the world. There are three things that we should do to continue to live the life of faith. Paul’s …
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Nov 04 2020
Faith’s Response to the Word
James 1:17-27 In the process of becoming mature and complete, not lacking anything, James tells us that we must successfully navigate through trials and temptations. Although God does not tempt us, He promises aid and strength for every situation. The basis for our faith relies on God’s faithful aid, support and strength. We gain this …
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Oct 17 2020
Invincible Champion: Sustaining Your Victories
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Oct 08 2020
Invincible Champion: I Will Not Fear
Most of us have had moments in life when we faced situations that almost paralyzed us with fear. What do I mean? For a moment you were indecisive and uncertain. You did not know what to do or where to turn. Have you faced one of those moments when you may have said: “This is …
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Oct 06 2020
The Life of Faith, Part 1 – Living By Faith
We are beginning a series from the Epistle of James. James was a common name during the New Testament era. Four men were named James in the New Testament. James, the Lord’s brother is the writer of this epistle. He counted himself to be a bondservant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, (James 1:1). …
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Aug 26 2020
You Can Trust God With Your Family
Most of us have had moments when we felt a particular need to pray for our family. We trust God to protect and keep our families. We pray that no evil would influence their hearts or lives. We pray for the covering of the blood of Jesus. We trust God for our families when they …
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Aug 18 2020
You Can Trust God’s Nature / Character
What we know about God is critical for life and how we face our challenges, difficulties, and tests. God’s nature and character gives us a basis for our faith and trust. In the Book of Isaiah, God was speaking words of comfort to His people. He was telling them their warfare was ended and their …
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Jul 22 2020
You can trust God… in Uncertain Times
When we face uncertain times we usually think naturally, but God is supernatural. God’s voice tells us to trust Him, even when we do not know the path that He wants us to take. Psalm 31:14-15 NKJV But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times …
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Mar 07 2020
Walking with Jesus
After Jesus was baptized in water and John the Baptist was put in prison, Jesus began His public ministry. Mark 1:16-20 NKJV And as He walked by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, …
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Feb 22 2020
A Strong Defense
God knows how to meet your deepest need even when you are facing overwhelming situations. Exodus 17:15 KJV And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovah-nissi. Exodus 17:15 CEV Moses built an altar and named it “The Lord Gives Me Victory.” Exodus 17:15 NKJV And Moses built an altar and called …
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Feb 15 2020
Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Isaiah 26:3 NKJV You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is …
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Feb 07 2020
God of the Impossible
Our faith must come to realize that all things are possible with God. Luke 18:27 NKJV But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” A man had a situation with his son that the Lord’s disciples could not handle. Try as hard as they could, they were not able …
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Jan 24 2020
Still Standing
One of our great challenges in an unbalanced world is to maintain our equilibrium and keep standing. God has done a marvelous thing by making us His children. This change has re-created and made us living representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ. God has endowed us with His Own Spirit to enable and protect us …
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Jan 16 2020
There is Nothing
We are looking at the help that comes from the Lord. The Psalmist said his help came from the Lord. Psalm 121:1-2 ESV I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. I am sure that you have needed …
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Jan 03 2020
Prevailing over Evil
God wants you to prevail over the evil you face. When Jesus came, He did not attempt to find a way to make peace with the devil or his work. 1 John 3:8 NIV The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. In Genesis, Satan came into direct conflict with …
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