Tag: Moses

Behold Your God — Holy

Behold Your God — Holy The holiness of God is so central to biblical teaching that it is said, “Holy is His name,” (Luke 1:49). When the Lord was instructing His disciples how to pray, the first line of the prayer states, “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name…” Jesus was saying when you …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mdanba.com/2025/02/11/behold-your-god-holy/

Receiving God’s Best — God will make it happen

Jeremiah 1:12 NKJV Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.” Everyone needs to hear this word from God. God is watching over everything that He has said and He is ready to perform His word. This covers every promise and prophecy. God is watching …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mdanba.com/2023/11/03/receiving-gods-best-god-will-make-it-happen/

The Tabernacle, Part 13— Prepared For God’s Presence

The Tabernacle, Part 12— Prepared For God’s Presence God gave Moses specific instructions so that a place could be prepared where He could come near to His people. Everything about the construction of the Tabernacle was according to the pattern that God had shown Moses. God wanted to reveal His plan for atonement, redemption and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mdanba.com/2023/09/11/the-tabernacle-part-13-prepared-for-gods-presence/

The Tabernacle, Part 10 — Preparations for God’s Presence

When the Tabernacle was built and put in the center of their lives, it cost each person. Every man and woman freely gave so that the Tabernacle could be constructed as a place to find God. The Tabernacle was going to be filled with the glory and the presence of God. God was bringing them …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mdanba.com/2023/08/22/the-tabernacle-part-10-preparations-for-gods-presence/

The Tabernacle — Part 7, “I brought you out to dwell among you.”

God had a plan and purpose for His people Israel when He met with Moses at the burning bush. When He came down to meet with Moses, God gave him the assignment to go to Pharaoh and bring His people out to worship Him. They could not achieve God’s purpose and remain in Egypt. In …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mdanba.com/2023/07/31/the-tabernacle-part-7-i-brought-you-out-to-dwell-among-you/

Tabernacle, Part 3: I Want to Meet With You!

After the fall of Adam and Eve, meetings with God became very rare. At times, God would come down and visit His people. Those visitations were the exception and not the rule. In Genesis 5:24, we are told “Enoch walked with God; and He was not, for God took him.” This was an amazing story …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mdanba.com/2023/07/04/tabernacle-part-3-i-want-to-meet-with-you/

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